Stage One
Stage Two
Stage Three
Stage Five
-n- Resources
to Build
Stage 1, page 2 of 2
April 2004 - Materials arrived on the
13th and we've been building ever since.
An entire semi-truck load of insulation arrived, unexpectedly, at
8:00 a.m. Good fortune was with us. The fork lift arrived a few
minutes later. The guys unloaded it, explained how to use it and
left, saying, "Give us a call when you get done." The
rest of the house was coming at 9:00 and Dave had planned to practice
using the fork lift for the hour between renting the lift and receiving
the house. He learned fast. Nadine directed traffic while Dave unloaded.
Between unloading and ferrying the stuff up the mile long driveway,
the job took all day.
Utility trench was dug and laid.
Roarke, of Roarke's Earthwork did the trench and Dave laid the pipe.
You'll see doors, windows, insulation and wood all over
your property. Keep it as close to the building site as possible and
keep exposed wood covered. |
Builder Tip:
Do not assume that you can just move the stuff to the house site later.
Put it right next to the house site as you are unloading it off of
the semi-truck. You will have enough to do later and you certainly
do not want to rent the fork lift again. |